Parish Paths Partnership group

Our community owes a great deal to a band of hard working volunteers led by Diane Shepherd.

We have miles of valuable footpaths crossing our parish and they need constant maintenance. Several cross-field paths have been beautifully cut this year.  A big thank you to those farmers.

Whilst some  landowners work hard to keep footpaths clear, it is the P3 group who replace markers, clear brambles and make sure paths are passable.

The group always walk Felsted paths on Monday mornings, meeting at 10am in the Car Park.  This enables them to identify where work needs to be done.  They are always careful to check for nesting birds before undertaking remedial work.

They were finally able to get a work party together to do some much needed work a few weeks ago, clearing the footpath on the far side of Felsted Mill.

They also cleared around the fingerpost on Mill Road.  This was very hard work and Diane would like to record her thanks to those volunteers who assisted.
