Parish Plan: Action Update 4

This update is part of the process to keep everyone informed regarding actions from The Felsted Parish Plan.

One of the important areas of focus in the plan concerns roads in the Parish, with the aim of reducing congestion and improving parking. The following outlines just some of the actions underway:

3 proposals have been made to the Uttlesford Local Highways Panel under their ‘project scheme’, including speed limit reductions and additional speed activated (VAS) control signs.

Training is underway for volunteers for a Community Speedwatch scheme. If you are interested in joining please contact the Parish Clerk.

We also continue to work with the schools and businesses in the Parish to manage congestion.

Applications have also been submitted to North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) for double yellow lines in Stebbing Road, zig zag lines in front of the Prep School and ‘Keep Clear’ markings on the Braintree/Stebbing Road junction. An application has also been made to mark out the bus stop outside the Primary School to improve traffic flow.

One of the identified aims in the ‘Roads’ section is to ‘Promote safe and courteous behaviour’ by ‘Identifying and warning frequent offenders’. As a part of  the process to achieve this, the Parish Council has engaged the services of a  Parking Enforcement Officer. Whilst 17 tickets were issued between 1st June and 1st September, the objective of the process is for the officer to find no infringements and issue zero tickets.

As a point of courtesy we would also ask drivers not to park on pavements, where they may impede pedestrians, especially those with children, wheelchairs and push chairs.

We, your Parish Council, would like to hear from you. What do you think we should do to improve the Parish for us all?   Come to our monthly meeting and have your voice heard.